The Company

More than 200,000 companies call it home, so to be voted one of its best places to work, for eight consecutive years, is no mean feat. But that’s exactly what media execution company, Digital Remedy, has achieved, and when we spoke to their culture leader and heard that he relies on CloudM to make his teams’ lives easier, we had to dig a little deeper.


Digital Remedy


Angel Quinones is Office Experience Manager at the award-winning firm, and is responsible for making sure that every employee has what they need, when they need it, as easily as they can get it.

“I wear a lot of hats. People come to me for everything to do with their daily lives, specifically their IT. I work closely with HR to take care of our employees, and I play a major role when it comes to culture. I like to keep things fun, young, energized, and (crucially) digital.”

The Problem

Looking after 130+ employees, Angel was faced with a challenge when Digital Remedy made the move from Office 365 to Google in 2018. As part of the transition, he was losing access to his email signature management tool, as it was limited to Microsoft. That’s when he found CloudM.

“I started looking for something similar that worked with Google, and I checked out a few options for a while. But CloudM‘s email function kept coming out on top, it just seemed so easy, and the potential was there to use other features included in the platform beyond just email signature management. But that’s where we started, it was a beautiful thing, very easy to edit, and to change.”

Email Signature Management

After a while, when Google introduced a stronger native email signature manager, Angel debated the possibility of moving, but that’s when he started testing out what CloudM could really do.

The Solution

With the email signature challenge solved so quickly and so easily, Angel started playing with other elements of the platform. “This was when I began to appreciate the power of Smart Teams and Offboarding. It gave CloudM much more of a leg in the game, so now I couldn’t see a reason to move.

We review our vendors every year, and we’re coming up to three years of renewals, we’re really happy. ”Smart Teams, the ability to group people dynamically based on job role, department, or project, was a boost for Angel’s management: “I use Smart Teams specifically for our sales team.

They’re the ones reaching out to prospective customers, following up leads, and speaking to current clients. If we win an award, I’ll add it to their email signatures automatically, and it gives us that little boost. I can create and activate it within 3 minutes, just for a specific subset of people.”

Smart Teams

And Offboarding, the ability to automate the processes for when an employee leaves the organization, was another boon for the company:

“It’s definitely helped improve the business process. It’s made my part of offboarding real easy; all I have to do is suspend a user and move them to a specific OU within Google. Then CloudM picks it up and starts offboarding for me: changing the username, giving them an alias, setting up forwarding, removing the user from directories, archiving their files. It stores it all too, so I can search everything I’ve offboarded since inception. This is my favorite feature of the platform because it just saves so much time. I can run through a list of joiners, movers, and leavers in a batch, rather than one-by-one. This brought a lot more to the table, CloudM went from an email signature management tool to an irreplaceable part of my IT process.”

Offboarding Status

The Results

Working closely with Ryan Noakes, CloudM’s Customer Success Manager, Angel has always found answers and support when he needed it, despite the time difference. Ryan commented:

“It’s been great to work with Angel and Digital Remedy over the past few years and watch them go from strength to strength and use our platform more. They’ve really become a truly digital workplace.”

And Angel agrees:

“Even pre-COVID, we were making moves to stay connected no matter where we were. And CloudM was a big part of that. Once the pandemic did happen and we all moved to home working, nothing really changed for us besides our physical location. Because we had all these cloud processes in place, the only thing we needed to do was have users take their computers home. We were up and running 100%, there was no degradation of service, everything was full steam ahead. We weren’t preparing for a pandemic, but we were ready for it.”

“I would definitely recommend CloudM. It saves time, it saves energy, it takes away headaches. It makes the entire IT process easy. Whenever there’s a change to a user and it’s time to push it out, CloudM comes in automatically and makes the necessary changes. Next time that user sends out an email, the whole world knows they’ve been promoted or changed roles. That’s what CloudM is there for, it gets the information to our users, and represents our users effectively.”

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